Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Events; New Trends, New Technologies, the Future…

Since the creation of this blog we have posted different areas of the event planning industry that affect events; from trends to how to acquire the money for the creation of a new event planning company. But, what’s next? Are events going to survive the economic depression? Are there any new ideas? New trends? Gladly, I can say that the event planning industry is a thriving one worldwide. It is considered a billion dollar industry, with a stable spot within the entertainment industry. However, like everything else new trends, topics and ideas are being established in order to appeal to a more technologically and modern audiences. One of the most modern and popular trend are Green events. Previously, we explored how trade-shows and conventions...

Sunday, August 14, 2011

Investors Wanted for New Business Opportunities.

As we all know the business industry is currently undergoing a global crisis. However, investors and other investing organizations are willing to fund potential ideas. Amazingly, there are numerous ways of acquiring funding for a new venture or for expanding already successful businesses. Sometimes funding will come from the most unexpected places; all you have to do is do the correct research. For the last couple of posts we have established the importance of having and/or creating a business plan. We have also stated that one of the most important areas of the business plan is the financials. Now, after completing your business plan your next step is to begin looking for investors.  After doing some research myself, I have stumble...

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